Steven White
I am an associate professor of political science at Syracuse University.
I'm currently working on a book project about the development of police unions in American cities from an APD-ish perspective.
Below are links to various other things I've written:
- "Historical Information and Beliefs About Racial Inequality" (with Albert Fang). 2024. Politics, Groups, and Identities 12(1). 23-44.
- "State Parties, the Democratic National Convention, and Civil Rights Liberalism." 2023. Journal of Race, Ethnicity, and Politics 8(1). 20-41.
- "Slavery, Reconstruction, and Bureaucratic Capacity in the American South" (with Pavithra Suryanarayan). 2021. American Political Science Review 115(2). 568-584.
- Heinz I. Eulau Award for best article in the APSR, American Political Science Association, 2022
- Honorable Mentions: Luebbert Article Prize, Comparative Politics Section, American Political Science Association, 2023; Best Article Award, Democracy and Autocracy Section, American Political Science Association, 2022
- "Race, Religion, and Obama in Appalachia." 2019. Social Science Quarterly 100(1). 38-59.
- "Civil Rights, World War II, and U.S. Public Opinion." 2016. Studies in American Political Development 30(1). 38-61.
- "The Heterogeneity of Southern White Distinctiveness." 2014. American Politics Research 42(4). 551-578.
- "Identity in Historical Political Economy" (with Pavithra Suryanarayan). 2024. In The Oxford Handbook of Historical Political Economy, edited by Jeffery Jenkins and Jared Rubin. New York: Oxford University Press. 733-746.
- "Twice Forgotten: African Americans and the Korean War, An Oral History by David P. Cline (review)". 2024. African American Review 57(2). 229-231.
- "Frances Perkins and the Limits of New Deal Racial Liberalism." 2020. Clio 29(1). 11-12.
- "What's So American About American Political Development?" 2019. A House Divided.
- "Is Racial Equality Unconstitutional? by Mark Golub (review)." 2019. Journal of Southern History 85(4). 936-937.
- "Race and Southern Political Development." 2019. Journal of Politics 81(2). e27-e32.
- "Social Status and Redistributive Politics: Lessons from India and the American South" (with Pavithra Suryanarayan). 2019. Newsletter of the Organized Section in Comparative Politics of the American Political Science Association 29(1): 99-106.
- "Politics of the American South." 2018. In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science, edited by Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press.
- "From Pariahs to the Privileged: On Keri Leigh Merritt's Masterless Men." Los Angeles Review of Books. August 19, 2017.
- "Confederate flags and Nazi swastikas together? That's new. Here's what it means." The Monkey Cage. August 14, 2017.
- "Most Americans opposed integrating the military in 1948. Most Americans support transgender military service today." The Monkey Cage. August 1, 2017.
- "Many Americans support Trump's immigration order. Many Americans backed Japanese internment camps, too." The Monkey Cage. February 2, 2017.
- Reprinted in James Morone and Ryan Emenaker, Current Debates in American Government, 2nd ed., (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018)